Saturday, October 12, 2013

Vision, Vision Statements, and Micro Business

In his Inaugural Address John Kennedy said, "Ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country." While in office, he worked on his campaign pledge to get America moving again.

·         His economic programs launched the country on a long period of economic growth.
·         He laid out plans for a massive assault on poverty.
·        His vision created the program that landed us on the moon.

Ronald Reagan had visions of a nuclear free world, economic prosperity, and an end to the cold war. While in office, he worked on his campaign pledge to get America moving again
·         His economic policies expanded the economy for an extended period.
·         His collaborations with Mikael Gorbachev led to the INF (Intermediate Nuclear Force Reduction) and START, the strategic weapon reduction treaties.
·         No one can forget the “bring down this wall” speech that marked the beginning of the end of the cold war.

 Both of these men were visionary leaders. There are others. You may know some locally. If you look around, you’ll see corporations that have vision: Procter& Gamble, Amazon, Apple Computer and more. If you follow the B2B market, you know IBM and Xerox created strategic visions that propelled their companies to become leaders in their industries.
A vision is a mental picture of what an organization aspires to be at a future date. Once you have the vision, you need a vision statement. The vision statement flows from the vision. Vision statements have a purpose.

1.      The vision statement provides the general direction for an organization. However, it does not specify results. In 1865, John Soule created the statement made popular by Horace Greely, "Go west young man, go west, and grow up with the country
2.      A vision statement also provides a framework for decision making because decisions need to fit the vision’s direction.
3.      It affects organizational structure because the leaders will create a structure to fit the vision.
4.      It will change working relationships because of the values the vision statement instills in the people.

Vision statement are clear because a vague message, open to interpretation helps no one. Further, a clear statement is easy to understand.
They present a challenge to everyone involved. If it's too easy, people do not give a full effort. Too hard, people stop trying.
Good vision statements inspire people to act.
Micro businesses can use vision and vision statements to launch and sustain their small business operations because they empower everyone involves with the organization.

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